Wednesday, 7 May 2014

My Story

Few years ago I was caught up in the web of sexual sin for months. I was already born again at this time and to make matters worse, I was already a pastor. Now you are wondering, "What kind of pastor is this?" "Was he truly called by God or did he call himself? Is he really born again as he claims?" Hmmmmm! It's disappointing, isn't it? 

I represent thousands of Christians (young and old), pastors, church workers and leaders all round the world who are stuck in sexual sins and various other sinful habits. Many people in church are struggling with pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, pre-marital sex and extra-marital affairs. Unfortunately, many of them will not admit to having such struggles. Everybody comes to church and pretends like they just flew in from heaven to attend the service and will fly back to heaven after the service. They cover their struggles and addictions with their "zealous" participation in various church activities.

Let me point out here that no true Christian will intentionally commit sin.  I doubt if any of the Christians who are struggling with sexual sins woke up one day and said, "Today I'm going to commit sin." It took just one unguarded moment to get them stuck. I wouldn't bother you today with details of how I got to the point; that is a story for another day. My focus is on how I got out of it.

Several times, I found myself saying, "I will never do that again" but like a dog, I always went back to my vomit. At that point I realized I had to talk to somebody. Some sins thrive in secrecy. Until you are able to summon the courage to tell somebody about it, you may not be able to break away from it. You will only be moving in a circle and will always end where you started.

I discovered that finding who to talk to wasn't an easy task. Most times, we find ourselves in the midst of lot of people but can't find that one person to trust with our secret lifestyle. "Who do I talk to that will understand my struggles? Who do I talk to that will not see it as a news item to spread around? Who is that person that won't condemn me? My heart was already condemning me so I didn't need more condemnations. I didn't need anybody to tell me how sinful what I was doing was because I already knew it was sinful and offensive to God and had affected my fellowship with Him. All I wanted was a way out. "How do I get out of this sexual relationship?

After days and weeks of trying to find who to confide in, I decided to talk to one of the elderly pastors in my church about it. Today, when I look back, I realize it was actually God who laid it in my heart to talk to him. I remember sitting in his car in the church compound and letting the worm out of the can. My heart was beating faster because I never knew how he was going to react. But I had to go on anyway because I desperately needed to break free from it. I can't remember exactly how he started but for the next few minutes he went on proffering solutions, giving practical ways and measures I had to put in place and all that. That was the beginning of my freedom.

If I hadn't talked to somebody I would have been stuck in there longer than I did. And if I had talked to the wrong person it would have been worse. 

The aim of this blog is not to condemn or remind people how hell-bound they are. The aim is to create a platform where young adults can share their struggles and addictions and receive counsel or pieces of advice from those who have had victory in that same area.

I look forward to having millions of lives changed and chains of addictions and struggles broken.

Keep the mails coming. 

1 comment:

  1. This is clearly redemptive. I salute your courage. Only the light can take out the darkness. More grace!!!
